Japan is often perceived as a man’s country. A woman walking the streets two steps behind her husband used to be perceived as the paragon of the true Japanese ‘good wife’ for a long time. In part, this definition of roles actually stems from Japan’s specific historical development, though it becomes much more pronounced in our European perception than it is in today’s reality. At any rate, an intensive discussion in society on living up to established life roles is ongoing in Japan as well as in Europe.
This is one of the reasons why we chose the slogan ‘Men’s World/Women’s World’ as the theme and subtitle for this year’s edition of the Eigasai Festival. We want to explore men’s position and functioning in Japanese society through the lens of the current Japanese cinema.
Daughters naturally adopt their mothers’ values and behaviour patterns. Therefore, it is not surprising that most young Japanese girls have always wanted to marry a well-to-do man with a decent job, start a family and take care of the household – exactly the same way they have seen in their homes. The problem is that there are not enough of these ‘perfect’ men – husbands who are capable of providing for their families in all respects – for all women to marry. When a man like that is available, the demands placed on him at work are immense and his responsibility is huge. As a result, even a seemingly attractive idea of having a dinner with colleagues or after-work drinks at an izakaya pub can actually contribute to job-related stress instead of eliminating it. Tackling this is also part of men’s role as expected by society, companies and families.
By contrast, sons rarely take over their fathers’ jobs and crafts spontaneously and joyfully – even in Japan, which is known for its diversity of traditional arts and crafts. Young men’s opportunities for travel, moving around the country and earning their living through jobs that did not exist when their fathers were young are all challenges they have to tackle, but they have no guidance on how to do this. Keeping the tradition is great responsibility towards the ancestors, society and families. Our films’ heroes face many obstacles. Let us collectively keep our fingers crossed for them, enjoy some suspense and have an occasional laugh while – most importantly – learning something new about Japan as well as ourselves in the process once again.
The films for this year’s edition of the festival have been provided by The Japan Foundation in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan in the Czech Republic, the distribution company Nikkatsu Corporation and Aerofilms.
Allow us to express my sincere thanks to you, the visitors, for coming, our festival’s sponsors and partners as well as everyone involved for your support and patronage that you have shown to the Eigasai Festival over the course of a full 18 years. Along with you, Eigasai has reached its notional adulthood. We are looking forward to seeing you in Lucerna Cinema and at other events organised by the Czech-Japanese Association.
All movies are in Japanese, subtitled in both Czech and English.
Single entry tickets 150 CZK, for ZTP, students and seniors 120 CZK.
For children under 10 years of age, free admission to the film The Secret World of Arrietty. This movie is in Japanese with Czech subtitles.
The discount on admission can only be applied at the Lucerna cinema ticket office.
Accreditation for 900 CZK and ZTP/student/senior 720 CZK.
On sale from 4.2.2025.
Film screenings and performances take place at the Great Hall of Lucerna Cinema, Vodičkova 36, Praha 1.
The program may be subject to change.
各映画のチケット料金 150,-CZK
映画はVodičkova 36, Praha 1、 ルツェルナ宮殿内映画館の大ホールにて上映。